...whatever it is, I want it. I have read about it, sang about it, and heard lots of people talk about it, but I am still very unsure as to what it really is or even looks like. After almost 30 years of following (or trying to follow) Jesus' teachings, I do understand most of the prerequisites to finding it as explained by Jesus Himself. But at this point in my life, I still feel like I am chasing the wind on this particular issue (and maybe that is His intention for me as it pertains to seeking). Mind you, I have had some awesome experiences in the spirit and seen some pretty amazing things over the years. But how much of that was actually the kingdom? How much of it was not even close?
I have heard 'the kingdom' defined as God's way of doing things, His rule and reign. And I must admit, sometimes I think I see that and most of the time I don't. But if that definition is true and His way of doing things is not like mine at all, and in fact MUCH higher, then maybe I have seen and experienced more of the kingdom in my lifetime than I realize (because remember, I still don't know for sure what it looks, smells, or tastes like). However, I do believe I have a pretty good idea of what it is not and would almost be willing to challenge anyone who would want to be dogmatic about what it really is.
Even Jesus threw a few curve balls on this issue. Like when He told the scribe in Mark 12 that he was not far from the kingdom because he answered 'discreetly' concerning the greatest commandments. Well, how 'not far' was he? Really? He may have been a lot closer than I am right now based on his understanding of that one concept. And then Jesus said in Mark 11 and Luke 7, referring to John the Baptist, that he who is least in the kingdom is greater than he. There, He makes the kingdom sound like a family or an organization and, if that's true, then I have already found it! Or maybe IT has found me? But then Jesus told His disciples in Matthew 6 and Luke 11 to pray 'Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.' Here it almost sounds like something that is tangible and can be experienced or felt (as mentioned earlier, I have had some of these).
The gospels are full of references and descriptions of the kingdom and things that is can be compared to which were made mostly, if not entirely, by Jesus. But I have not seen or read in them where He made it really clear that THIS or THAT is the kingdom (in fact, oftentimes it seems to be just the opposite). One reason, I think, is because He knew that we would probably make a doctrine out of it and use it to exalt ourselves above and/or condemn others. In Matthew 25, Jesus talks about the judgment between the sheep (righteous) and the goats (unrighteous). I love that He says even the righteous will ask, and Im paraphrasing, "When did we do righteously?" It appears that the righteous are not aware of their own righteousness or their righteous deeds. Maybe this too is the kingdom. And maybe this is what made the scribe be so close to it. AND maybe this is what makes even someone like you and me quite possibly be greater than John the Baptist.
One thing I know for sure is that, whatever the kingdom is, I want it. And Jesus said in Luke 12:32 that it is the Father's good pleasure to give it to us...
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